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Workplace Mindful Inner Wisdom Programs


Revitalizing & Inspiring

Stressed & Fatigued Workplace Teams

with John Fick and Christine Pollock

25 Years of Success in Individual & Organizational Transformation

See John's BIO & Christine's BIO

Take the 1st Step to Revitalize Your Organization

Programs Designed for Extraordinary Results

through Customized Workshops, Team Coaching and/or Individual Coaching

Mindful Inner Wisdom brings you home to the present moment where can experience your work-life with passion, purpose, and fulfillment. Mindful Inner Wisdom uncovers insights and creates aliveness and peace. It also brings clarity, focus and creativity to the mind. Regular Mindful Inner Wisdom practice rejuvenates health and well-being, enhances relationships, cultivates happiness, resulting in success at work and at home.

The benefits of Mindful Inner Wisdom for employers and employees are:

  • Stress Resilience – Avoiding burnout, the control illusion, finding opportunity from difficult challenges

  • Mental Clarity – Mastering senseless mind chatter, cultivating a focused mind

  • Emotional Intelligence – Balance and grounding through turmoil, mastering response through mind-body awareness, improved decision making

  • Creativity – Innovation through an expansive perspective, tapping into internal wisdom for deeper insights

  • Empowerment – Getting unstuck and removing blocks, seeing infinite possibilities

  • Healthy Relationships – The relationship mirror, intuitive understanding and connection, communication with compassion

  • Engagement – Passion through the liberating power of presence, creating purpose in every moment, seeing beyond the self

  • Health & Well-Being – Mastering emotional/mental/physical healing energy, moving with peace and ease, improved sleep



​See  Mindfulness a Gateway to Consciousness.






With decades of corporate experience and mindfulness teaching both John Fick and Christine Pollock lead Infinite Alignment's unique and engaging Mindful Inner Wisdom Workshops and Coaching. The workshops integrate a wide range of experiential practices/techniques – including mind exercises, meditation, breathwork, and movement.  John's Heart-Mind Mastery Coaching then incorporates each individual's unique response to current circumstances.  Unhealthy responses are then reprogrammed to healthy, productive response through scenario-based practice.


In Infinite Alignment’s Mindful Inner Wisdom in the Workplace Programs, your teams will acquire the practical capability to:

  • Train their mind to find peace

  • Trust their inner guidance for good decisions

  • Face everyday challenges with ease

  • Use self-perception as a mirror to reveal their limiting beliefs

  • Gain confidence

  • Cultivate healthy relationships

  • Live fully in the present

  • Discover their personal power

  • Revitalize their physical body and health


Below is a list of program workshops that can be selected and customized to meet the requirements of your organization.

Location: offered at off-site venues throughout Colorado or delivered on-site at your facility. 

Mindful Inner Wisdom Workshops Options, 90 min. each.

Learn More About our Workshops


Mindful Inner Wisdom Basics – A Shift to Internal Control

Course Description

Desiring to be more resilient, peaceful, and fulfilled at work?

Have you heard of mindfulness but have no idea how this could help your work environment?


Mindful Inner Wisdom brings you home to the present moment where you can live your life fully at work and at home.  Here focus, concentration, aliveness and ease are possible.  Mindful Inner Wisdom is an inside-out awareness that creates peace and fulfillment from within bringing clarity and focus to the mind and rejuvenating health.


During the Mindful Inner Wisdom Basics – A Shift in Awareness Workshop we will:

  • Review the basic background and benefits of Mindful Inner Wisdom

  • Practice basic awareness through centering and breath techniques to build internal resilience and peace.

  • Explore the 7 key attitudes of mindfulness.

  • Practice training your mind to be in the present moment.

  • Create space in the mind though movement and mind exercises.

  • Identify personal opportunities for mental clarity and emotional intelligence through Heart-Mind Mastery coaching.


Learn practical Mindful Inner Wisdom skills to begin to:

  • Learn how to be in the present moment.

  • Experience the release and relaxation of the brain and nervous system.

  • Apply Mindful Inner Wisdom practices for life situations.

  • Establish a regular Mindful Inner Wisdom practice.


Mindful Inner Wisdom for less Stress and More Sleep

 Course Description

Are you feeling stressed-out, anxious, or disconnected?

Mindful Inner Wisdom brings you home to the present moment where you can find balance, peace and calm in even the most challenging environments.  Mindful Inner Wisdom is an inside-out awareness that creates ease from within bringing flow to the way you move in the world.

During the Mindful Inner Wisdom for Less Stress and More Sleep Workshop we will:

  • Practice breath techniques for releasing stress and anxiety.

  • Develop the capacity to create coherence of the mind and heart.

  • Learn meditation practices for better sleep.

  • Experience an empowering state of present moment awareness.

  • Engage in group discussion and Heart-Mind Mastery coaching.


Learn practical Mindful Inner Wisdom skills to begin to:

  • Develop resilience to change and challenge.

  • Develop a better connection to our physical and emotional, and energetic state of being.

  • Train your mind to letting go of stress and find peace.

  • Cultivate restful, rejuvenating sleep.

  • Facilitate the relaxation of the mind and release of the nervous system.

  • Transform your energy from anxiety to peace.


Mindful Inner Wisdom at Work for Happiness All Day

Course Description

Is your work leaving you feeling anxious, overwhelmed, or empty?

Are you ready to move from surviving to inspiring?  


Mindful Inner Wisdom brings you home to the present moment where you can find peace, ease, and success in even the most challenging work situations.  Build continuously deepening self-awareness and reprogram your limiting default patterns through Mindful Inner Wisdom practices. Give yourself permission to create and love your work fully and vibrantly.


During the Mindful Inner Wisdom at work for Happiness All Day Workshop we will:

  • Learn breath practice for maintaining energetic alignment, grounding, and balance.

  • Develop awareness skills through mindful breath, meditation, movement, and situational Heart-Mind Mastery.

  • Apply breath techniques to release stress and build resilience.

  • Practice Mindful Inner Wisdom communications for deeper understanding and connection.

  • Engage in group discussion and Heart-Mind Mastery coaching.


Learn practical Mindful Inner Wisdom skills to begin to:

  • Shift from worry, frustration, and anxiety into the peace and joy of the present moment.

  • Cultivate open, healthy, successful relationships.

  • Express greater creativity and energy.

  • Cultivate job satisfaction, peace, and ease.

  • Manifest work-life balance AND greater productivity.

  • Allow yourself to slow down AND get more done.


Mindful Inner Wisdom Relationships for Teamwork, and Fulfillment

Course Description

Are you struggling in any relationships?

Learn how healthy relationships can shift you from anxiety, guilt, and low self-esteem into connection, happiness, and well-being!

Mindful Inner Wisdom brings you home to the present moment where you can find peace, ease, and compassion in even the most challenging relationships. Build continuously deepening self-awareness and reprogram your limiting default patterns through Mindful Inner Wisdom practices.

During the Mindful Inner Wisdom Relationships for Teamwork and Fulfillment Workshop we will:

  • Develop

  • Create space for ease even under difficult circumstances.

  • Develop understanding of the energy dynamics of relationships.

  • Learn the importance and fundamentals of forgiveness.

  • Embody the healing energy of forgiveness.

  • Enhance communications skills through mindful compassion and intuition.

  • Engage in group discussion and Heart-Mind Mastery coaching.


Learn practical Mindful Inner Wisdom skills to begin to:

  • Cultivate deeper more fulfilling relationships.

  • Learn to accept and appreciate ourselves and others as we are.

  • Live through the lens of compassion and acceptance.

  • Let go of control allowing for openness and freedom.

  • Revitalize your state of well-being.


Mindful Inner Wisdom for Vibrant health and Well-Being

Course Description

Are you ready to learn how Mindful Inner Wisdom can shift you from anxiety, negative self-identity and illness into healing and vitality?

Mindful Inner Wisdom brings you home to the present moment where you can remove blockages holding you back from optimum health.  Tapping into your body's innate inner wisdom can create emotional and physical healing. Give yourself permission to enjoy your life with vitality and passion.


During the Mindful Inner Wisdom for Vibrant Health and Well-Being Workshop we will:

  • Use breath practice to generate healing energy in the body.

  • Experience the healing fullness of the present moment

  • Apply Mindful Inner Wisdom awareness practice to identify and transform ssikness creating thougths/beliefs to healing thoughts/beliefs.

  • Explore self-perception to reveal your limiting beliefs.

  • Practice heart coherence techniques to synchronize healthy heart-mind communication.

  • Utilize visualization techniques to create healing chemistry.

  • Engage in group discussion and Heart-Mind Mastery coaching.


Learn practical Mindful Inner Wisdom skills to begin to:

  • Gain insight on the root cause of illness, anxiety, and insecurity.

  • Align with your intelligent healer within.

  • Master your mind to find peace even in difficult circumstances.

  • Discover your personal power to expand your well-being.

  • Revitalize your physical body and health.


Mindful Inner Wisdom Eating for More Energy and Better Health

Course Description

Create healthy digestion, nutrition and energy through a Mindful Inner Wisdom relationship with eating – and increase enjoyment too!

Apply Mindful Inner Wisdom eating practices and transform your relationship with food.  Mindful Inner Wisdom brings you home to the present moment where you can find health through holistic eating practices. 

This is an experiential workshop that includes a variety of Mindful Inner Wisdom practices. 


During the Mindful Inner Wisdom Eating for More Energy and Better Health workshop we will:

  • Learn practices to rediscover a healthy and joyful relationship with food.

  • Explore your unique hunger profile through your physical senses.

  • Uncover your thought and emotional relationship to your eating habits and patterns.

  • Learn the 6 energetic eating guidelines and practice several key ones.

  • Experience the methods and benefits to incorporate gratitude into mindful eating.



Learn practical Mindful Inner Wisdom skills to begin to:

  • Develop a deep awareness of your energetic engagement with food.

  • Use the full and natural capability of your body to digest your food for optimal nutrition.

  • Learn the physiological feeling of satiety again.

  • Say goodbye to diet products and programs for ever.

  • Apply self-awareness to eating to create joy and improved energy.


Mindful Inner Wisdom Goal Setting for Purpose and Fulfillment

Course Description


Are you ready to expand your perception of your potential for achieving your dreams?

Generate a High Vibrational Energy Through Powerful Experiences to expand your mind and create your ideal future!

This workshop will include breath and movement practices that will invoke energy shifts using body and mind, and breath to expand inner wisdom, life-force and self-perception.  From a place of expanded perception, the mind’s creative power will be engaged to create goals.


During the Mindful Inner Wisdom Goal Setting for Purpose and Fulfillment Workshop we will:

  • Use breathwork and movement to elevate your energetic vibration.

  • Increase conscious awareness of your energy.

  • Create awareness of your patterns for contraction and expansion of energy around goal setting and achievement.

  • Experience a comparison of goal setting before and after raising your vibrational energy.

  • Engage in group discussion and Heart-Mind Mastery coaching.


Learn practical Mindful Inner Wisdom skills to begin to:

  • Create more expansive goals with energetic alignment to those goals.

  • Increase vitality, mental clarity, and self-empowerment.

  • Unfold the inner truth of your unlimited potential.

  • Turn limiting patterns into expanding potential.

  • Gaining dominion over your mind to achieve your goals and create your life.


Evolving your Mindful Inner Wisdom Practice for Continuously Expanding Potential and Success

Course Description

Stuck on limitations for establishing a regular Mindful Inner Wisdom practice?

Need to expand your practice but don’t know where to start?


A regular Mindful Inner Wisdom practice brings you home to the present moment where you can live your fully at work and at home.  Mindful Inner Wisdom is an inner state where aliveness, peace, unlimited potential, and happiness is cultivated.  A regular and ever evolving practice is key to realizing the benefits of moving through the challenges of life with presence, peace, and purpose.


During the Evolving Your Mindful Inner Wisdom Practice for Continuously Expanding Potential and Success Workshop we will:

  • Explore the key factors for establishing and maintaining a practice.

  • Examine the common energetic barriers for reprogramming how you experience life.

  • Assess your unique limiting programming that could prevent your practice from sustaining momentum.

  • Create an individualized plan for your practice and a long-term strategy for its evolution.


Learn self-awareness for your practice to begin to:

  • Recognize your default blockages to creating new, healthier patterns.

  • Create confidence in your Heart-Mind Mastery to move beyond past limitations.

  • Manifest the benefits of moving in the world guided by your inner wisdom.


Mindfulness Basics
Mindfulness for Less Stress
Mindfulness at Work
Mindful Relationships
Mindful Self-Healing
Mindful Eating
Mindful Goal Setting
Evolving Your Mindfulness Practice

"I arrived feeling lost in this life. I was truly amazed at the breakthroughs I experienced while in their loving care. They are both highly skilled practitioners and complement each other. My experience was truly life changing for me. I feel more clarity and have been armed with practices for heart connection, releasing stress and feeling joy on my journey. I feel much love for these two beautiful and radiant souls! I highly recommend them to anyone looking for a heartfelt and life changing experience!"

- Kathy

Infinite Alignment


1445 Silver Mesa Driveway
Durango, Colorado 81301



© 2022 Infinite Alignment

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