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An Infinite Alignment Online Video Series in Four Parts


Enrich your life through learning, practicing and experiencing Mindfulness.

Connect with others already engaged in daily awareness.

Create & cultivate a higher state of health & well-being through self-awareness.

Shift into a coherent powerful field of energy with the heart and mind. 

Begin living in the NOW, the present moment in joy, inner peace and love.

Build a foundation for further deepening into mindfulness.

Introductory Offer Just $25



Taught by John Fick and Christine Pollock, this four-part online video course is designed for creating a higher state of health and well-being through self-awareness, and offers a foundation for on-going development of further deepening into mindfulness.

Take away practices, both formal and in-the-moment, that will help shift the way you move in life situations with more coherence, ease and resilience.

The course consists of an Introduction to Awareness PLUS 4 individual 30-minute sessions:

  • Breathing Into Peace - Breath Awareness

  • Our Physical Body - Body Awareness

  • Conscious Alignment - Emotional Awareness

  • Our Mind - Thought Awareness


Additional bonus course content includes:

  • 2 Guided Audio Meditations

  • 1 Alignment Practice Instructional Video

  • A Mindfulness Practice Reference Sheet

  • An Affirmations Reference Guide


What you can expect to learn:

  • Relate to the practical foundations of everyday Mindfulness.

  • Identify the benefits of Breath, Body, Emotional and Thought awareness.

  • Apply practices in all awareness areas that can be easily incorporated into daily life.

  • Experience a fresh heart centered state of self-awareness

  • Empower yourself to change limited, even destructive patterns/habits/beliefs.

  • Demonstrate how to embody loving kindness towards yourself and others.

  • Practice the inner capacity to notice and experience what is arising… without judgement, attachment, or resistance.

  • Embody mindfulness practices for being/living in the NOW, the present moment.


What you can expect to experience:

  • Experience conscious breath exercises, physical, emotional and thought awareness practices, and meditations for body, mind and spirit.

  • Start noticing and experiencing what is arising within without judgement, attachment, or resistance.

  • Taking action towards reducing anxiety and depression in your life.

 Preview the Course

Watch the Course Intro Now

"I arrived feeling lost in this life. I was truly amazed at the breakthroughs I experienced while in their loving care. They are both highly skilled practitioners and complement each other. My experience was truly life changing for me. I feel more clarity and have been armed with practices for heart connection, releasing stress and feeling joy on my journey. I feel much love for these two beautiful and radiant souls! I highly recommend them to anyone looking for a heartfelt and life changing experience!"

- Kathy

Infinite Alignment


1445 Silver Mesa Driveway
Durango, Colorado 81301



© 2022 Infinite Alignment

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