Mindfulness for Self-Healing
An Infinite Alignment Workshop
March 22, 2017
7:00 – 9:00 pm
Studio B
Evergreen, CO
Are you ready to learn how self-healing can shift you from personal suffering, anxiety, guilt, and depression into presence, love, acceptance, and forgiveness?
Basic mindfulness brings you home to the present moment where you can find peace, ease, and success in even the most challenging work environments. Build continuously deepening self-awareness and reprogram your limiting default patterns through mindfulness practices.
In this workshop, learn practical skills to begin to :
Identify the root cause of illness, anxiety, insecurity, and depression.
Train your mind to find peace.
Face everyday challenges with ease.
Using self-observation to reveal your obstacles to well-being.
Revitalize your physical body and health.
Studio B
27905 Meadow Drive
Evergreen, CO
Cost: $30 per person
Space is limited. Call Studio B at 720 202-8772 to reserve your place.