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Jeffery Markel

A Journey of Self-Love

Updated: Dec 14, 2019

How does self-love show up in your life?

Here's one man's journey of Self-Love.

My journey to really love myself started with my cousin Bruce. Bruce was a heroin addict and a great guy.

You might ask how one person could be both?

Well Bruce was. He was the Godfather to one of my children and equally devoted to the other. They were lucky to have him in that role. He loved them deeply, mutually.

Although Bruce's life had a dark side, his relationship with his Godchildren allowed him to see there was hope beyond the life he had chosen.

I loved Bruce. Since he was an addict, it was easy for me to point my finger and tell Bruce, “you have to make changes in your life.”

I was in total denial of the changes I needed to make in my own life. Often we can see other's lives more clearly than we can see our own.

One day I point blank said to Bruce, “You have got to stop being an addict.”

His response was, “Jeff you have some serious work to do on yourself as well.”

I told him, “I will work on myself if you're willing to work on yourself.”

That day we made a pact that within three weeks we would each have found a path to change our lives in a positive way.

Three weeks later we were avoiding each other like the plague.

In the fourth week, I was at a party sitting on the steps with a friend. She told me about seeing a husband and wife therapy team who had changed her life.

She suggested if I was looking to make significant changes in my life I should set an appointment with them. I said I would.

I called Bruce the next day and told him I had found my path. He said he had found his path forward too. He would go to 90 Narcotics Anonymous meetings in 90 days.

Those decisions changed both our lives. Bruce was clean of the filth of heroin from that day on. I too was to go through a deep cleansing process.

For six and a half years I went to therapy once or twice a week with two great teachers and a group of committed participants. We all worked together to clear the barriers which kept us from being present and from appreciating ourselves. It was hard work. Many times I was terrified to face my demons. Sometimes I hadn’t even known they were there.

One thing I learned—my fears were always exaggerated and my courage was always rewarded.

The deeper we looked for blocks and the longer we supported each other, the closer we became to being the people we were meant to be. This very personal work was the journey towards self love. It wasn't my goal starting out. It was the outcome.

It was the most important work of my life.

Christine Pollock and John Fick, founders of Infinite Alignment, are guides for people who want more from their lives. They are offering a six month training and support group called, “The Reclamation of Self Love.”

They have spent years developing processes of their own to augment approaches they have each learned on their personal paths.

They know the transformation that comes through deep personal work takes time. John and Christine are willing to commit six months of their lives to guiding and supporting a select group of people who are willing to go the distance.

If you know you need support to work through lack of self love or other deep issues, I invite you to seriously consider working with John and Christine. Check out

What I’ve personally learned is when your heart is full of self-love, the world looks and responds differently. You realize you belong. You are lovable.

The soul that is you is here for the unique purpose that only you can fulfill. The soul’s longing is the great invitation to experience the joy and deep satisfaction of living a life full of meaning and purpose.

What a what a wonderful invitation to accept.

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